Exploring the Artwork on UK’s Postboxes


The postbox is an iconic part of the British landscape, and for the past century, these boxes have been adorned with artwork to mark special occasions, honour anniversaries or celebrate unique locations.

The UK’s postboxes come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with the most common being the red pillar box, which can be found in almost every town and village. As well as the traditional red colour, you can also find postboxes that have been painted gold, green and even black, each with its own unique design.

Many of the postboxes feature artwork that celebrates the local area. This can be anything from a logo of the local football team to a scene of the local landscape. Some postboxes have even been painted with a portrait of a famous local person, such as a famous author or politician.

The artwork on postboxes isn’t just limited to the local area. Special occasions, such as royal jubilees, are often marked with special designs. Postboxes may be painted with a coat of arms or a portrait of the Queen. Other postboxes are painted with artwork that celebrates anniversaries or commemorates significant events in British history.

Exploring the artwork on postboxes is a great way to discover the history and culture of a local area. It’s also a great way to get to know the people and places that have shaped the British landscape. So why not take a stroll and see what you can find on the postbox near you?

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